VENUS FLYTRAPS (Dionaea Muscipula)

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  • A venus fly trap is a carnivorous plant which means that it feeds on insects and is classed as a plant predator

  • Venus fly traps are native to small coastal areas of North- and South Carolina in the USA

  • The venus fly trap is best known for its ability to trap and digest flies, muggies, other insects and slugs.  During the growing season each plant grows 4-7 leaves from the growth point just above the soil level - these are modified leaves that develop a traps at the end.  Each trap is lined with 3-5 trigger hairs that snaps shut when touched.  The trap is fused on one end and acts like jaws trapping its prey inside and digesting the insect by means of enzymes

  • Bite-size info:

    • 🏡 Suitable for: Outdoor growing (full sun)
    • 🌱Mature size: 10-15cm
    • 📅 Growing season: October to April
    • 🏆Recommended for: All levels carnivorous plant enthusiasts
    • 🏬 Full range available online (courier or collect) with in-store shopping at Strawberry pot, Centurion (only selected varieties) and selected retail outlets nationwide
  • GROWING VENUS FLYTRAPS:  In a nutshell, venus flytraps are outdoor, summer growing plants that require 8+ hours direct sunlight, mineral free water and nutrient deficient soil. Ideal temperatures during the growing season (October to April) is 25-30degrees and slightly shaded for the hottest part of the day during heatwaves. During the winter months they die back to a dormant bulb with tiny inactive traps and regrow as the days get longer around September to October
  • Quick care guide:

    • ☀️ Minimum 6 hours direct sunlight
    • 💧 Moist, nutrient-free soil (rain or distilled water)
    • 🍴 No need to feed
    • 🌷 Remove flowerstalks for a healthier plant
    • 💤 Dormant in winter
    • ✅ Detailed care information is available in our online reference guide and a downloadable plant care care guide is included with your purchase