SUNDEWS (Drosera)

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  • Sundews are carnivorous plants which means that they feed on insects and are classified as plant predators. The STICKY DEWS comprises one of the largest group of carnivorous plants with at least 190 species
  • These can be found widely spread on every continent except Antarctica. Sundews, (depending on what species) grow either flat on the soil or in upright rosettes, ranging from a mere 1cm to a humongous 1meter in height, and can live up to 50 years
  • Sundews are characterised by movable glandular tentacles, topped with sweet sticky secretions.  When an insect lands on the sticky tentacles, the plant is able to move more tentacles in the direction of the insect to trap it further. Once trapped, small glands will digest the insect and absorb the resulting nutrients, which can then be used to aid growth
  • Available in various sizes, a bareroot or potted option and an array of forms both upright and rosetted, we're sure you'll find something that'll catch your eye
  • Bite-size info:
    • 🏡 Suitable for: Windowsill- , Terrarium and outdoor growing
    • 🌱Mature size: 1cm to 1 meter (depending on species)
    • 📅 Growing season: Year round (Subtropical), October to April (Temperate), April to September (Winter growing)
    • 🏆Recommended for: Beginner to advanced growers (see individual listings for special instructions)
    • 🏬 Full range available online with in-store shopping at Strawberry pot and Marvellous Orchid, Boksburg (selected varieties)